quod - significado y definición. Qué es quod
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Qué (quién) es quod - definición

Quod (disambiguation)

¦ noun Brit. informal, dated prison.
C17: of unknown origin.
·v Quoth; said. ·see Quoth.
II. Quod ·noun A quadrangle or court, as of a prison; hence, a prison.
III. Quod ·add. ·vt To put in quod, or prison; to lock up; to Jug.
Quod (board game)         
Quod is an abstract strategy game played on an 11-by-11 grid of spaces with the four corner spaces removed. Players alternate placing pieces, called quods, into empty spaces.



Quod may refer to:

  • The Quod, a contemporary nickname for the English Quota System during the Napoleonic Wars
  • a quod, the main playing item in the fictional sport of Quodpot in the Harry Potter universe
  • Quod (board game), an abstract strategy game

The word is also common in several Latin phrases used in different (English) contexts:

  • per quod
  • ad quod damnum
  • nemo dat quod non habet
  • quod erat demonstrandum (often abbreviated "Q.E.D.")
Ejemplos de uso de quod
1. Daddy‘s boy: Devoted father Brad helps his adopted son Pax into the helicopter His girlfriend Angelina has over a dozen tattoos, including the geographical co–ordinates for all four of her children and the Latin proverb "quod me nutrit me destruit" (what nourishes me destroys me). The actor‘s tattoo was put on display as he boarded a helicopter in Monaco for a boys‘ day out with Maddox and Pax.